I will not be enough for you.

by Blackbird   Feb 20, 2019

My eyes are stinging, they're red, swollen.
Why am I crying, I don't even know.
Is it because you can't love me, respect me or because you often betray me?
Is it because you're ignoring me, you're punishing me.
I feel.
I am hurt.
Too long I have wasted, trying for you. Wishing you would see me. Appreciate me, listen to me.
Too long I have been faithful, when maybe I shouldn't have been.
You are cruel, you are unkind. You belittle me, but for you, that's borderline.
Is it just me that you can't stand?
Even though it would be spiteful of me, I hope you treated the others unkind.
Perhaps then, there's hope for me. i'l be loved by another man.
I have loved you, in my own insecure way, you might not have seen it, but its been there every step of the way.
I have come to accept the fact you wont love me, that you won't settle for just the one.
You have a wandering eye and that deviant appetite to fulfil,
Although I have loved you, I deserve better than your lies and deceit.
Good bye my love, I'm not here for your cheap thrills.


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  • 6 years ago

    by DarkNDangerous

    The subject matter hit home for me. Great write.

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