Morning Prayers

by Aegis   Feb 20, 2019

This morning's cigarette
burnt slow against
the February

dancing recklessly.

Each drag a subtle reminder of
our post-sunrise endeavors;

your scent still lingering
on my fingers.


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  • 6 years ago

    by Maple Tree


    I just love your poetry, its jammed with lots of messages and taking a moment and bringing it to life,
    or the metaphor has an entire different side to it, I love this!!

    • 6 years ago

      by Aegis

      Thank you so much Andrea! It always means a lot to me when I manage to catch your eye. This one manifested itself really. I woke up at sunrise and an hour later I was on my way back to town from the countryside, a pretty little thing in the drivers seat, and my notepad open. I was so caught up in the moment that I didn't even know my fingers had written anything until I got dropped off at home:)

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