What kind of friend are you?

by Ismelda Yvanna Peralta   Feb 21, 2019

Burn me once, shame on you.
Burn me twice, shame on me.
Burn me three times, shame on both of us.
Now my question to you is what kind of friend are you?
At one point in life, I used to be the cocky one, the popular cat, the one who had it all.
I bought my friends everything I could possibly afford with the money I had.
Looking back, I wonder who is there to invest on me?
I had everything for once in my life.
I had the life I never could imagine in my high school years.
I made my own cheering team.
It was good being me.
I was on weight loss and I had it all, the boys and popularity.
Now I see that I collected on what we call nowadays; haters.
Now I go back and think twice, what happened to me?
How did I get here?
Where are those friends?
Who is really my friend?
Now that I have nothing to offer, who is really there standing?
I landed in the hospital again and this time I was close to losing myself once again but this time to my depression with my current life span.
I once had the credit, the attention, the time and the life as a famous celebrity, or thought I could be.
I never got my dream come true.
Did I try to help people too soon?
Here we go again, what happened to me?
I had to learn to knock it down a notch and humble myself.
I had to relive my joy of life and understand that there is Someone higher than the supernatural in what meaning now stands as God is love.
I was taught the hard lesson of what life was really all about.
Okay enough about me, let me get back to you.
Who are you?
Why you thought you could hurt me that way?
Is this really payback of what you thought happened ten years ago?
Leaving me at the party alone and drunk?
I guess that it does not even matter to you where you get your next high even though someone can really end up hurt.
I can see that you cannot be my loyal friend, so I have to lose all hope that you can handle such degrees of fame.
Is this really it?
Did you not think I would have found out one way or the other?
Remember that what sheds in darkness, always comes to light.
What if you ended up sleeping with him?
Would you have ever told me?
I guess certain friends cannot be trusted.
I am loyal to you because I want to, not because I have to.
Unlike you, I am not that type of friend.
How dare you use the ones that I love for your own selfish benefit?
Why do that to me?
I would like to swear but I cannot put myself in such misery.
Oh well, now I know that not everyone deserves such mystery.


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  • 6 years ago

    by CJ Maleney

    I wish you had broken this up a little if for no other reason than it would have been easier on my eyes. They're still good at distance but not so much at close range

    Anyway, once I had read this a few times it resonated quite a lot so much so that it drags me back to various events in my younger years..

    You wish to swear but can't, but I can! This is fuc€king awesome. A lot to read and a lot for many to digest.

    Fantastic writing.