Anxiety Attack

by Cherrie Maleney   Feb 22, 2019

You sit in class feeling bored
And you then begin to sweat
Your breathing becomes heavier
And your desk is now all wet

You try to calm yourself down
But it doesn't do it's use
Because you just cannot breathe
And your heart has now ran loose

You look around the room
Trying not to distract your mates
But you just can't take it any more
You feel you've lost all fate

You need to leave the classroom
But your teacher tells you no
And you feel you want to throw up
And now you're creating a show

The class all stare in worry
Wondering what is wrong
You explain to all of them
That you have not got long

They are more confused as ever
And the teacher agrees as well
But if you do not hurry
Your chest might begin to swell

You run out of the class
Not caring about what they say
And you get even more panicked
Thinking about the day

Soon you start to calm
And you tell the teacher about it
She understands you now
That you had an anxiety fit

I had a mini panic attack in two of my lessons so far; Spanish and English. It was a horrible experience which makes me feel bad for all the people who have experienced full panic attacks, also known as anxiety attacks. Symptoms are, sweating, nausea, funnel vision and lack of breath. There are more, but these are the only symptoms I have experienced.


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  • 6 years ago

    by Michael

    Bless you, this resonates only too well. Breathing techniques and telling yourself your be okay :) A great little write from an upcoming little poet. Michael

    • 6 years ago

      by Cherrie Maleney

      Yes. It's just nerves now. I'm still trying to find out why I become nervous in school and where it came from. Hopefully I'll get to the bottom of it soon. And thank you! :)

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