Comments : Will I ever be pretty enough

  • 6 years ago

    by Brenda

    We are all pretty in our own way and unfortunately we are our own worse critic when we stare into a mirror. Society dictates how we "should look" which gives us an impossible standard and a vicious cycle of never being skinny enough or pretty enough or the right clothes, etc...You are beautiful! Embrace your unique special self! There is only one of you and you are amazing! Hugs-

  • 6 years ago

    by Milly Hayward

    Beauty is so much more than conforming to media and society expectations. Being you, just the way that you are and appreciating your strengths, wearing what you want to rather than following trends instantly brings more confidence. Everyone is attractive to the people in their lives who really matter. Sending you warm hugs Milly x

  • 6 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    The innocence and desperation in this his hard. This sense that we are always trying to prove our worth or appear like we have it all together. Trying to convince ourselves and others we are "enough", that we are worth it to call ourselves "beautiful". Trying to hide the heartache, the pain and trying to become what society will accept. When really, only our self-acceptance should matter. Thanks for sharing this piece with us <3