Make your mark

by Indigo   Feb 22, 2019

It's truly a confusing thing to me. It seems to be that everyone wants be the first person to do something in space. Or to be the first to leave their mark on the moon or mars. But all those people haven't noticed something. They haven't noticed that first they need to make their mark on the world. It might be easy to remember someone who did a great thing or something no had done before in space. But the thing is; it's a lot harder to do something big enough to be remembered and to leave your mark on earth. Maybe its the fact that a lot of people set big and hard goals, knowing the certain thing they want to get to. But not all of them know how to get to it or the steps they need to done to achieve that goal. But me, I'm different. Each step towards my goal is not just a step but another goal I've met along the way.


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  • 6 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    I love the message of this as it reminded me of the small things we can do in our daily life that will have a greater impact. We don't have to "show" our worth or our legacy with great gestures. It's in the simple, pure and unexpected moments where we can affect someone's life. After all, we can't know or predict the future. We can only take those little steps and work toward our goals as life carries us along.

  • 6 years ago

    by Adreamer

    I like the point you are trying to make here, though I am curious as to why you've chosen this format. It seems less productive and effective than had you added some spice via stanza or line breaks. That aside though, I enjoy this piece. Thank you for sharing.

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