Only The Wild (twinge)

by CJ Maleney   Feb 26, 2019

My weekends are somewhat overly aquired of late.
My time is in demand but without demand also.

There is not an order to follow, no expectancy!

Only hope!

Yes demand is wrong and hope is correct.

There is a longing and desire for my time.
Time I am only too ready to share.

Every job I attend to has a wet nose interfering or a grumble of discontent.

So much so I drop the job and grab the leads.

The woods and the river call!

They are so fast and fleet I wonder if they see the beauty?

I do and I can smell it!

The winter fragrances, forgotten in recent times bring melancholic memories.

Sadness and joy, entwined within a winter wonderland and an unusually warm afternoon.

The same river that caused so much damage and hurt not so long ago, bubbles along without threat.

Furry bodies splash and play in its embrace, immune to its icy touch.
They see, smell, feel and enjoy it more than any of us ever could.

They are part of it after all.
More so than any of us can ever hope to be.

Only the wild can truly appreciate the wild!

However! I am comfortable with my limited perception of such,
knowing my beasts are happy within the environment they are at one with.

As we travel home neither leaves my side.

I wonder who belongs to who?

I wonder if any of us are truly free?

None of us are tethered. Any could bolt at any time.

We are not owned and we do not own.

We just are!


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  • 6 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    The great outdoors with best friends. I enjoyed your musings.

    • 6 years ago

      by CJ Maleney

      Lately I've been taking every chance I get to go out with my beasts. Need to get the neck sorted before spring so I can get the pup familiar with the canoe.

      Chuffed you liked my little ramble

      respect as always


  • 6 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    It was nice having this poetry conversation
    with you...and it's true..liked it!

  • 6 years ago

    by Michael

    a great piece of writing, and i agree with you... 'we just are'
    nicely penned fella :) nominated!

    • 6 years ago

      by CJ Maleney

      Thanks dude

      It's more of a narrative than a poem I guess, chuffed you like it though


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