A Chip Off The Old Block

by CJ Maleney   Mar 11, 2019

I'm sorry dad

I cannot be like you!
I may have your blood and genes
Yet we are so so different.

My brother could have been your reincarnation.

It's acceptable to have a favourite, I guess?
And it was not I.
I'm not bitter, just sad I think.

For my brother and not you!

Who wants a baby at your age?
You wanted the sex though!
Not the product of such actions.

Do you see why you had not influence?
You had not control and not love?
You had nothing of me.

You only became interested when I earned.
But as I earned I learned.
I learned that I am better than the sum of my biological additions.

You may have made me,
But I created me!
You created my brother, moulded him.
And where is he now?

I pray not beside you.
For his death lays on your shoulders.
19 years of age he was.
What a waste of a future.

All on you!

I hope you are in hell and I hope the beast below makes you look up.
I hope you can see what happiness looks like.
While you endure misery.

Your daughter has a fantastic life.
The son you didn't want is doing pretty good too.

We made our vow and we learned.

How to love our children
For who and what they are.

So I'm sorry dad.

Not now not ever will I be like you.


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  • 6 years ago

    by CJ Maleney

    Thanks dude

    was in a bit of a funny mood when I wrote this. A few minutes before starting it I had a bad phone call about the passing of a friend.

    Cogs turn and things pop out I guess. The brain is a funny thing, as my mate and poem are totally unrelated

    The only common denominator is me, and people dying around me. I guess that's maybe what happens when you get older, but it's crap when people die before their time.

    Anyway thanks for your comments fella


  • 6 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    My...the weight in your heart is felt in each line you
    have penned. Its sad when a parent takes a wrong turn towards
    a child and it takes that much strength and bravery to rip away
    from that dismal environment...well done...you did well!
    Take care..

    • 6 years ago

      by CJ Maleney

      Thank you

      Think the only thing that really irks me is the path he set my brother on

      Craig x

  • 6 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Being a parent doesn't mean you are a parent, if that makes any sense.
    Great free verse, Craig. I think this is where it comes into its own - it allows you to just vent without restriction.

    All the best as ever,