If there is a promise to make
it is to the truth,
it is to those
whose truth would never
surrender to uncouth,
It is to those
you could say
they have their heart
not for sale,
for no matter if triumphant,
or they fail,
their ideal will always prevail,
to our
utmost disdain
for unjust.
-for only in truth and just
we trust,-
with no fear
of losing our heart
whether shredded to the pieces
or when is no longer
our part,
to be the one
who always marches across the fire
to breeze
the blazes
of his righteous desire,
with the shine of his sword,
the envoy of such world
that brave hearts
climbing aboard,
those who have been told
the verses that mustn’t
to the orchards that fruit
the citrus of absolute,
that fruit
nothing but the truth
the fruits that in its every bite
the bloodline of sunshine
upsurges and shoots,
the sunshine springs
versus its shadow,
to the bottom of your roots.
To those, their heart hoist the banner
of everything pure and good,
those whose fever from unfair
like fire
on the firewood,