something inside so strong (octave)

by Mr. Darcy   May 20, 2019

Above the mountain ridge gulls always soar,
like waves crashing against the coastal shore.
But, should the skies begin to fade from blue
in eyes behind the years of fading hues.
Remember kept within this granite rock
are hands of time on my unchanging clock.
So, hear the sea and feel the spray once more
for my eternal song is always yours.



- Mr. Darcy
© 2019


Octave (poetry) An octave is a verse form consisting of eight lines of iambic pentameter


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  • 5 years ago

    by (Olwin ) Lee Mcdonald

    What a wonderful form beautifully written.... Love the imagery :)

    A deserving win! :D

  • 5 years ago

    by Aearion

    I can Say I really enjoyed this, keep it up but I am sure you will.. never wrote myself a Octave poem maybe I did in class but I should try and give it a shot! Love it congrats on the win.

  • 5 years ago

    by Michael

    Congratulations Mr D, a well-deserved winning piece squire :)

  • 5 years ago

    by Star

    The iambic pentameter is something I could never understand, but i love reading!! I also love the rhythm and rhyme of this. All together this is a really beautiful piece :)

  • 5 years ago

    by Em (marmite)

    Absolutely loved this, I'd give one a go but that iambic pentameter always puts me right off lol. Good job as always though.. Maybe we'll see more of these
    Take care x

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