To Hell And Back:

by Scott Cole   May 28, 2019

I know what it's like to hit rockbottom
I've seen it firsthand,
I know how easy it is to wanna give up
When life is so hard to understand.

I know what it's like to feel abandoned
No family or friends,
I know what it's like to pretend
Masking my frowns with grins.

I know what it's like to be helpless
Overpowered by my demons within,
I know what it's like to be homeless
To lose everything and start again.

I know what it's like to be depressed
Crying tears for no reason at all,
I know what it's like to feel trapped
Everytime my back's against the wall.

I know what it's like to feel empty
Just me myself and I,
I know what it's like to be a failure
To hit rockbottom and wanna die.

But if it's one thing I am it's a survivor
I'm built from every mistake I ever made,
Yes I've been to Hell and back
But not a single step would I trade.

For those building blocks I've encountered
Those mountains that I did climb,
All those downpours that I weathered
Have molded and shaped me over time.

So I am today a much better person
Because of all the bad my eyes have seen,
No I'm still not perfect nor will I ever be
But my heart is just and my thoughts clean.


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  • 5 years ago

    by Michael

    A piece that resonates with myself, and I did actually feel as I was reading, I felt like I was there with you.
    Nice one fella, and the end is sweet :)

  • 5 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    What a lovely ending, Scott. A truly inspirational poem that I'm glad to see nominated.

    All the best to you as ever.

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