by Milly Hayward Jul 1, 2019
category :
Fun, humor /
My Grandma Grey has a secret.. |
by Mr. Darcy
It's always refreshing to read an imaginative piece. Nans are cool, especially from a grandchilds perspective. This would make a great series of children's books. X |
Thank you Daniel for your feedback and critique. It really helped to get a different perspective on things. I agree that "stance" is usually thought of in those ways but I guess why I chose it was I was thinking that her attitude of catching criminals was more than just a job was her driving moral force but I see your point - have changed that to "Spotting Criminals at a glance" so thank you for that. |
by D.
Your poetry is so refreshingly fun to read. You are imaginative, and quirky, and I'm not sure there's anyone on this website like you! This poem is, as always, fun, but suffers a little here and there because of some forced rhyme, and grammar issues. |