To Be or Not to Be a Sonnet?

by Milly Hayward   Jul 11, 2019

A Sonnet is quite tough for me to grasp
Though rhyme emits from me with silky ease
Iambic's fight and struggle till I gasp
illusive monsters vanish on the breeze

Give me instead a simple basic rhyme
to sail upon lost visions of the sea
Race carelessly through momentary time
so metric feet no longer follow me

To be a poet King, a dream in truth
requires common tools of poetry
Should I now write of misbegotten youth
I might at last find this my poets chi

One day I'll take those Iams for a spin
and write a sonnet worthy of a win :)


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Latest Comments

  • 4 years ago

    by Tony Grannell

    Hello Milly,
    You are a born sonneteer - 'To be a poet KIng' and crowned you are with this most splendid sonnet. Deftly composed with wit and panache. Excellent.
    Kind regards, Tony.

  • 5 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Nice work. It certainly puts my early attempts to shame. X

    • 5 years ago

      by Milly Hayward

      Thank you Michael :) I'm so in love with Sonnets now that they have taken over my life. You were right - in being constrained to writing in iambic pentameter forces you to write more creatively so its opened up the doors to a whole area of poetry writing that has been illusive for so long. Milly x

  • 5 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Milly, I say this in all seriousness: the iambic pentameter is pretty flawless throughout here. This is superb and is worthy of a win

  • 5 years ago

    by Star

    If you master Iambic pentameter, then please teach!! It is the toughest thing ever!!
    I love this, and I’m not good with this form but I think you are getting there ^_^

    • 5 years ago

      by Milly Hayward

      I think I have the hang of it now but will see on my next one :)

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