I was just having a discussion with someone that a symptom of depression that can often be overlooked is irritability. Also, people don't realize that depression can affect people differently. It doesn't always look the same. Just like with, say, manic episodes, it can be hard for the person to understand the severity of a low episode (or the terrifying reality of being manic). It's more than simply breaking it down to "oh, that person's moody today". We can't necessarily will it away and it's more complicated than that. We deserve patience and reminders on how to cope to get through that period. Patience with ourselves and from our support system. |
by ImTheGirl
Thank you very much for your comment. This is definitely something that I've struggled with for some time. Looking back, knowing what I've begun to learn about depression, my life makes a little more sense. All the years of pushing it to the side has finally caught up with me, but in a good way I suppose because now I get to address it. Thank you for sharing and being an inspiration. |