The Days Dream

by Lainie Reay   Jul 26, 2019

As I stare through the rain stained window
My thoughts wander to a land far away
Where the fairies live with the pixie's and they love to dance, sing & play.

It's the land where the grass is always greener and the sky is the brightest of blue.
Where the flowers dance with the friendly whispers, of the wind as he passes on through.

Where trees are umbrellas of protection to all underneath big or small and it's leaves are Autumn's perfection, when they fall they give comfort to all.

Where the sun is a hot burning fire, up high so we're kept nice and warm. Where the moon is a torch lights desire, led to safety it keeps us from harm.

As I stare through the rain stained window, my thoughts wander back from the land far away, as I think of the pleasures I had there, it helps me to get through the day.


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  • 5 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Great stuff, Lainie