The sky is grey and the grass is red
Those birds keep mocking me
The winds sway trees anxiously
Where am I?
Lighting strikes
Volcanoes far away erupt in madness
My arm aches
Where am I?
Lakes boil in desperation
The ground shakes in fear
And those birds...
Oh those birds ...
They keep pecking at my arm
Where I am?
My legs are swollen
My clothes are tore
My surrounding is on fire
And those birds...
Oh those birds...
“Wait?!” I scream
“What is this written on my arm?”
Fudge, where am I?
The sky turns black
The ground is burning
And this arm...
Oh this arm...
It aches with a warning
“Wake up, else you’ll die.”
O_o huh
Prompt: You wake up one day and find a warning label tattooed on your skin. What does it say, how do you react to it.