Dear Little One

by DarkNDangerous   Dec 2, 2019

Dear Little One,

This world might feel a little strange,
Your mother may be a bit deranged,
Society will "fix you" and arrange,
But your pure essence will never change.

This life is not garunteed,
It wants you to drip and bleed.
Your demons will claw and feed,
Construe your thoughts and mislead.

I know you want to write that letter,
But it's supposed to get way better.
Use those words as a comfy sweater,
But the devil knows your a debtor.

I know death seems quite inviting,
But I want you to keep on fighting.
Even though the temptations are biting,
Take this life and do some rewriting.

I wish I had all the answers for you,
Knew the future through and through,
Give you something to look forward too,
And tell you lies that are so untrue.

It might get better, it might get worse,
Life, in reality, is just a curse,
A rollercoaster and a hearse,
But take those reigns and reverse.


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  • 4 years ago

    by Crystal Bourne

    Good ryhmes.Life can be very mysterious/you just don't know what can happen.A mother tries her best to protect her children from the evil of it all.When we've done our best we give them over to The Almighty God.

  • 5 years ago

    by Brenda

    Nicely rhymed, its content is dark but fascinating.

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