Comments : Epicenter

  • 5 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    "earthquakes between my eyes"
    - Geez, now THAT is one hell of a verse. I wish I thought of that :)

    This read as almost an admission, reaching that point where you give up. It reminded me of trying to stand up for our dignity, to not be brought down by someone else. To not hide away in fear or flinch. Facing this person directly. Yet there is no swaying them, no cracking their exterior. So it's even more exhausting for us to realize how much we work to be respected, acknowledged, heard... when this person will always decide for us and walk over all our wants and desires.

    That is how I took it, at least. So much emotions in such few lines, as always!

    • 5 years ago

      by Aegis

      The best take I've heard so far my friend<3

  • 5 years ago

    by Saerelune

    Such few lines, but such a big impact. Like there was a small crack in my heart and you just turned it into the aftereffect of an earthquake.

    Truly enjoyed the write, congrats on your well-deserved win!

  • 5 years ago

    by Tanya Southey


  • 5 years ago

    by Star

    A short yet interesting read.
    I may be late but congratulations !

  • 5 years ago

    by Star

    Judging Comment:

    “There’s earthquakes between my
    This immediately made me think of a migraine. And how you try to fight it off, but instead of you knocking it out, it knocks you down.
    My personal interpretation for this, that “you”, isn’t a person and not a society. It’s more like the ideology, standards, norms, beliefs, principles or what people stand for. That one try to stay away from, but still brought into without their will and consent and fall deep in it.
    Very impactful poem for sure?!