Assassination ought never be an option
for it hardly ensues a correction
even a war massacre
ought to be forbidden
for either earlier or later
giving a chance
no matter who calls the checkmate
it ends up
in a worse circumstance
No matter how hard
we try to circumnavigate
soon or late
Taking lives carries us astray
away from love much too far
for love means just
to love at any rate
and void of bar
Excuses for cancelling lives
in the name of love
are obsolete
as an Old Testament rove
“thou shall not kill”
firm commandment
against which
can absolutely never a reason exist
at any moment
for -on the contrary -
lies the deepest reprimand
Note the source of which
so astutely intended
to yield absolute a resolution
in no other way to be comprehended
For once we remove
the blinding fog and mist
we realize how
no whatsoever justifications
for taking lives exist
Non-compliance of the rule
being so lethal
ought not be allowed
to be ever legal
we ought not
think for a moment
making killing to be
a viable capital punishment
No other rule so human
there ever was
created by man
Why have we not learned
how -just this tiny rule-
could bring us
such an enormously better
and peaceful world?