15 Winters Ago

by BEJohnson   Jan 23, 2020

Sun kissed skin.
Dirt covered feet.
Unruly blonde hair.
Missing baby teeth.

Those are things I remember
When I was at the age of five.
I was so full of life back then
untouched and ready to strive.

I was outside until night came
playing with my kitchen set.
No one could pry me away
even when the rain got me wet.

I loved to get hugs from people
to feel their warm embrace.
Especially from my family
they can never be replaced.

I would swim every summer
until my toes looked like prunes.
I hated when those days flew by
the season always ended too soon.

I wanted to become a doctor
so I can take 'boo boos' away.
I didn't like seeing people hurt
that ambition still thrives today.

I remember roasting marsh mellows
over a bon fire on a cold night.
I would be snuggled in a warm jacket
my sleepiness I would always fight.

My mom wiped my tears.
My dad taught me along the way.
My brother and I were inseparable.
We would always romp and play.

I was easy to please.
I always smiled.
I had no fears.
My dreams ran wild.

Those were the days.
That I'll always remember.
Yet, the memories fade more
every 14th of December.


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  • 5 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Nostalgia mixed with the bitterness of growing up, of suffering, of knowing pain and trying to survive. The heartbreaking part is when you mentioned a specific date. I have that too, dates I remember where it seems harder. Harder to hold on to those moments of purity we remember. When we knew simple joy, when our fears didn't seem so big and demanding. When reality didn't throw us aside, when life treated us well and respected our innocence.

    Also, wanted to say welcome to this site. Keep writing, will have to read more of your work on here.

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