Birdsville Sanctuary

by Vince Gullaci   Jan 24, 2020

My neighbour
wondered where all the birds were going to
"to my yard,"
I replied
the Cockatoos for the green almonds
Blackbirds and Mynas for the ground cover insects
Crows bark-scavenging for borers and tree worms
Honeyeaters fighting all comers for flowering red gum's pollen
Pigeons fossicking the soil minding their own business
to finish giant Fruit Bats some say escapees
from a botanical gardens cull,
add a creepy aura at night.


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  • 5 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    This was a neat piece filled with imagery!

    My only suggestions would be to separate the line where you reply or use quotes for the dialogue, and also a line break once you start describing the birds.

    Also the last line "some say escapees from botanical gardens add a creepy aura at night" was such a unique line, separate that from the rest so it's on its own line, and doesn't read like a run-on?

    • 5 years ago

      by Vince Gullaci

      Thank you for the constructive comments Poet On
      The Piano.I have edited the poem and added a new
      word to explain what the Fruit Bats were escaping from,