
by Poet on the Piano   Feb 8, 2020

You've ruined it again for us,
just like you've ruined my hope for
an honorable marriage, for a peaceful
night's sleep. I still have flashbacks
of fear as a child that remain

What's the matter?
I often wait for you to ask
but you never do

so I hide, withholding my dreams
in an effort to preserve them.
Too often your ego has ensnared
my plans, telling me how to lead
a successful life

but success isn't what I crave.

It doesn't matter that you don't shout
anymore, I still hear your distaste
in the littlest ways.

Our favorite show means nothing, now.
My future is bleak when you insert
yourself in every category.

Perhaps my happiness will always be
in jeopardy, until I cut the final tie.


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  • 5 years ago

    by Brenda

    Mary Anne, I'm going out on a limb and perhaps thinking this is about your dad? If I am wrong, I do apologize. He's been the subject of a lot of pain for you and I'm so sorry you two have this relationship. It makes for a very difficult childhood and also into adulthood. Especially as adults you finally can reach a friend stage with your folks. My eldest daughter has cut ties with her father. She couldn't deal with his one sided relationship. She didnt want to subject her own children to it either. I know deep down she still loves him but for her own sanity she chooses this. I'm not suggesting you do anything that you aren't comfortable with. Relationships are difficult enough sometimes. Stay strong and we are here for you-

    • 5 years ago

      by Poet on the Piano

      Brenda, you are correct. Thank you for sharing... over the years I've had more time and opportunity to reflect, have a better perception on what is genuine or what will or won't change. I think I've found as long as I am firm with certain things, and have clear boundaries, I can keep that respectable distance so I don't get hurt, but I can still care and share some things. I think it helps I have an understanding of who I am, therefore I know where he draws the line or the point where I refrain from opening up if he can't respect all of me.

      Also, you are a gem. Thank you, truly <3