Sonnet 08

by Ziad Dib Jreige   Feb 19, 2020

Sonnet 08

Backwards, at the cradle a look I cast,
At the unreachable old heedless years,
No memory of mine can touch that past,
When unaware I gave smiles and tears.
Then I look at "now", undoubtedly clean,
My memory is at rest, for my eye
Depicts my present, so sharply seen
If it's surely mine, I can hold it. Can I ?
Then again, I look, again, but this time
I know not, how many years to there,
At my silent grave, i send my rhyme
No smiles, no tears, I'll give unaware.
How can I call mine, those dear flowing times?
Into their sacred stream, I lay down my rhymes

© Ziad Dib Jreige #Sonnet 08


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  • 5 years ago

    by stormingdance (Lessa)

    I truly enjoyed reading your sonnet. Thanks for sharing. A thoughtful, musing tone ---- stuck in the middle of memories forgotten and memories not made yet, which may not ever be made for we know not when we'll be called home.

    • 5 years ago

      by Ziad Dib Jreige

      Thank you so much Jessica for stopping by and reading this sonnet. Your comment is highly appreciated and tells a clear understanding and wisdom from your part. your poetic and literary style is so much of an obvious. Absolutely right when you wrote, that we have no idea when we will be called home.

  • 5 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Well this sonnet flowed like a ribbon in a calm, cool breeze. Beautifully written- Just lovely

    • 5 years ago

      by Ziad Dib Jreige

      Thank you Andrea for stopping by, and reading this sonnet.
      And thank you for the uplifting encouraging poetic beautifully structured comment

      : )

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