fear and loathing on valentines day.

by prasanna   Feb 21, 2020

with every step you take,
my heart beats faster.

i know i wrote you into
existence; an unsightly
amalgamation of all
my saccharine verses,
unrequited letters,
stitched together with
threads of hate. you
try to speak – the room
shakes with the resonance
of your deep growl.

a mouth of brittle teeth,
cavities galore, molasses
dripping from tongue,
your hair is matted
with all the words
that i longed to hear
from her lips.

you approach closer
and time stretches
itself slowly. i look
into your eyes,
dirtied gold swirls
freely in irises.

you speak –
reciting all the
words of every
poem & letter
i’ve penned.

and i listen,
mouthing every
word while you
wrap your fingers
around my throat
and squeeze.

"- Your love poems and love letters from the past and present come alive, taking a frightening physical form. They will not leave you alone; how do you quell these monsters?"


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Latest Comments

  • 5 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    What a read and I like the layout..well done and Congrats on the win!!!

  • 5 years ago

    by Tanya Southey

    Nice work!

  • 5 years ago

    by prasanna

    Thank you guys!

  • 5 years ago

    by mossgirl19

    Wow. You did amazing on the prompt. Haunting, esp the last two verses.

  • 5 years ago

    by Scott Cole


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