
by Obscure   Feb 24, 2020

I am quite capable
of bleeding on my own
I don't need your remarks
to feel like I'm alone

And though your words cut deep
You know I do not need their help
They just sing me to sleep
And deepen wounds I made myself

My thoughts already crumble
any hope I might have known
Your words are merely kindling
And this flame burns hot and slow

I know myself much better
Than a stranger from my past
Which is why I'm sure my fetters
Ever hold me strong and fast

You seek for my destruction
But you have a rival here
And I've got a strange advantage
Sitting right between my ears

See there's ways I can escape you
But I can't escape my mind
Concocting new and better hurts,
Endless toiling overtime

Don't waste your mental functions
Trying to cause me misery
I've already got a stronger foe
Who can silence all my pleas

I have held myself a prisoner
And I never can be freed
So I'm sending you this message
I don't need you to bleed

- Obscure
© 2020


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  • 4 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    "I don't need you to bleed"
    You are stronger than your foe, their attempts to "cause you misery" will, undoubtedly, cause them harm.

    This verse did make me smile:

    You seek for my destruction
    But you have a rival here
    And I've got a strange advantage
    Sitting right between my ears

  • 5 years ago

    by Jack Nightengale

    This was a very strong piece.
    The third stanza really hits home for me.
    Wonderfully written.

  • 5 years ago

    by Star

    This is powerful!!
    and the title is so sad.

    Sometimes we can’t control our minds and we go to darker uglier places with it.

    I wish you the best :)

    • 5 years ago

      by Obscure

      Thank you so much! I really appreciate your comments

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