Different Worlds: Carter (part 3) Flash Fiction Story

by Anne Moore   Mar 2, 2020

“Carter,” her voice breaks through my sleep.
“Hmmm? You need something baby?” My voice is drowsy.
“Did you like last night?”
“Mmmhuh,” It’s all I can manage. It doesn’t seem right, laying next to her, sleeping with her, making what she thinks is love to her. I know I’m not being fair but if I can’t have Anne, Alexa is second best.
“Good. Cause I think some more will do you good.” I look at her and she’s in only her bra, panties, and cat ears.
“I don’t feel like playing right now, Alexa.” She frowns, bites her lip.
“Pwease, Daddy?”
“Why not?” She climbs on top of me. I don’t look at her.
“Just stop. I can’t do this anymore.” Her face fell.
“Fine, @sshole. Get the hell out.” She ripped the cat ears off and started throwing shit everywhere. She pulled on fuzzy pajama pants that had green and yellow stars on them and pulled on a plain black t-shirt.
“You can’t do this anymore? My god. How do you think I feel right now? Huh? I love you and I’ve loved you for so long. This is bull!” Why am I not good enough? Why is she gold and I’m not?”
“You are gold, but she’s silver- it’s so much more beautiful than gold in the moonlight.”


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  • 5 years ago

    by Anne Moore

    I couldn't think of a better word so I used @ instead of A...

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