
by Anne Moore   Mar 3, 2020

The “gothic” girl you sit next to in math
Has old scars running up and down her left arm
You don’t know her home life was like Daddy by Plath
You don’t know why she used to harm

The “nerdy” boy with no friends
He keeps his face hidden with a mask
Only his story depends
On who you ask

How about that “skinny” cheerleader?
She was called obese throughout middle school
Her mother wouldn’t even feed her
Now with an iron fist, she rules

When something happens all you’ll remember are the words you said last
You judged them harshly because of their pasts


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  • 5 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    A much needed reminder for people, you never know someone's stories. It's absolutely cruel to label someone and not even realize the hurt and pain they go through, what they endure. I've also seen this with people who seem popular so their problems and struggles are invalidated and minimized because people are like, that person appears to have it all, they don't have it that bad etc. You don't have to be "gothic" looking or appear a certain way and people can still judge you, can still be completely oblivious to your story and ignore your voice.

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