I Miss You Poems

by sarah shahzad   Mar 6, 2020

Poem about Life | Free Verse Poem | I Miss You Poems
I Miss You Poems

I feel so worried, as if I’m going to get sick,
If it was a trick, I would be delighted to wake up,
I don’t see you for a while, as if I am isolated,
As isolation will blow my mind away

Through the ice, I hear your voice,
As if it’s the only hope, that I can’t cope,
Your voice gets spotted, but still stuck in ice,
As your voice gets louder, I start to sink

They pull me down, while you try to pull up,
They won’t stop neither you,
Since you never showed up on the right spot,
I feel lonely as I miss you

I feel so sad that I only visited you for a day,
As gloom surrounds my wishes and dreams,
Without expressing or anyone knowing,
As I know, I miss you

I am stuck on an island missing you,
My feelings are being fearful,
As you are not around,
Please comeback, I miss you

i miss you poems poems about community
(By Sarah Shahzad, February 2020)


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  • 5 years ago

    by ddavidd

    I like your work sarah

  • 5 years ago

    by Maher

    Hi Sarah,

    I agree with Tony, poems are always better when they come from something real, like this one.

    Thanks for sharing :)

  • 5 years ago

    by Tony Grannell

    Hello Sarah,

    Isolation, longing and love portrayed in a perfectly structured poem and therein poetic flair as is always evident when composed by a natural poet. Poetry from the heart and most enjoyable, I must say. Lovely.

    Kind regards, Tony.