Love Is Beyond Any Definition Love Is Love Poem

by Abstract Poet   Mar 11, 2020

Very difficult to explain,
some say nothing more
than sexual satisfaction,

Others say give and receive
with mutual understanding,
others say they are entering,

accepting without any complaint,
but what I feel love is beyond
Any definition, love is love.

and let us leave everything
with love, love is the only truth
and truth I know with you.

P.S. I got inspiration from another poem.
Copyrighted by: Abstract Poet.


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  • 5 years ago

    by Tony Grannell

    Hello Abstract poet,
    In truth and love in a very fine poem indeed. Composed with a deft hand and a deep understanding.
    Well done, I have enjoyed this - many-sided, but one truth: love. Excellent!
    Regards, Tony.