Breathe Deeper

by Anne Moore   Mar 11, 2020

You know I wanna breathe
Deeper than this
But with you my breath
Is completely gone
Is every rational
Though about us

I’ve been in more
Trouble with you
Than with anybody
But the way you hold
My body
Tells me you love me

The night I told you
You could have me
You cuddled me
And nibbled
The words
I love you
In morse code

On my lips
I speak of you
As though you’re
The worst
But in all reality
I don’t
Where I’d be
Without you
To lighten my days
With that eternal light
You have
That to anybody
Comes off

But I told you I want to
Breathe deeper
And your response
Your answer
Took my breath away again,
Like every kiss we’ve
Ever shared

Aren’t we breathing
Deeper than


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  • 5 years ago

    by Tony Grannell

    Hello Anne,
    To the depths of love and trouble in the erratic breaths of morse code and kisses galore. A wonderful poem, I must say. I enjoyed it, very much so. Composed with a keen sense of language and a fine flair for poetics. Well done indeed.
    Kind regards, Tony.

    • 5 years ago

      by Anne Moore

      Thank you, Tony! I wrote this for a spoken poetry class I took. I then, of course, had to perform it... but it went really well, the teacher was very surprised how well it was.