
by silvershoes   Mar 27, 2020

Out of body
I see myself float
Speck of grey dust
Legs and arms, they’re dancing
Slow motion
Falling through blackness
I see your face, eyes staring at my lips
Standing by my Jeep
I feel your kiss

I see the top of my father’s head
Tiny hands in his hair
Walking through a park with my legs, kicking joyfully on his shoulders

I see my mother standing over me, asking,
“Did you break this?”

I see my sister, venom in her mouth,
Spitting at me,
Then I feel her arms wrapped around me,
Rubbing my back

I see his brown skin like earth
With round shoulders too easy to touch

I see my horse’s mane billowing
As we gallop, kicking up dust

I see him scowling in the car because I didn’t appreciate the song he wrote
I see myself on knees, begging that he come back to me
I see myself crying on a train in Thailand, curtains drawn

I see myself four years old, walking into the forest behind my father

I see my mother laughing

I see it all as flashes in the blackness

I’m drifting tonight
Drifting through snapshots of my life


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  • 3 years ago

    by M.Useless

    Vivid visuals. Thank you for sharing.

  • 4 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Everyone's writing new poems lately and it's making my heart soar!

    It's lovely reading your thoughts and being able to see just a glimpse into the snapshots of your life. Of family, love, friendship. The moments that may seem tiny to others but were/are so telling to us. How something so "simple" can be an image we hold on to forever.

    Missed your writing, Jane <3

  • 4 years ago

    by Michael

    Memories stay with us forever Jane, thank you for sharing one of yours :)
    Hope you are well and safe, M :)

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