I am very handy to have around
And most likely in every home I am found
I know all your plans and things yet to do
I know of your past and all about you
You tell me the birthdays of all of your friends
Your anniversary I know when you will spend
I tell you the important dates of the year
So you can prepare before they are here
Made up of blank squares with numbers inside
And most of them seem to become occupied
You will scribble a note of things to be done
Which seems to have your life on the run
I'm more about the future or what's in the past
That the day in between seems lost by contrast
Our life prioritized by things yet to do
Or reflecting the past to make it anew
Maybe it’s better to live by each day
And make the most of the box in display
You don't need to worry if it's still blank
A carefree agenda is what calls for thanks
Act on the spur of the moment somehow
Be happy with living your life right now
Don't dwell in the past or what the future might bring
And then you'll enjoy what life's offering