napowrimo 28 - I Know

by Sunshine   Apr 30, 2020

You shall never see yourself between the lines,
or your silhouette against my poetry.
I howled in anguish so loud, you weren't here.
My voice was hoarsened, it was strangled.
fear consumed every spot of light as you left.
You never looked back.
I never ceased anticipating.
I often wrote, I often lapsed
into fraud self-absorption.
Today, I speak no more, I shall stop waiting.
My voice has been softened by silence.
Though my tightened chest reminds me
I was not always such a big dreamer,
I realize my voice never fled its vocal cords
I believe you never heard the calls.
I know, I suppose you think back too.
I'm not the only one dwelling in the past,
I know, I'm certain this is not the last poem,
not the last vow I pen down about you.


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  • 4 years ago

    by Violet Raven

    The emotional ties between fear and hope glimmer here. The wording here is gripping and really pulls the reader out of their comfort zone (in a good way). Often times when you read a poem it is filled with metaphors but here you did great to showcase your real emotions and that heightened my interest in the poem and kept me reading.

    Taking the poem from your point of view, the narrator is you the author themselves and it seems like you are in pain and i read this like a memory of some kind. It seems like a person left your life and you are struggling with coping with the loss of them.

    I love the double point of view. You show yourself to be in pain but you show this person in a negative light and you did it well. Which to me adds to the message you were trying to provide. You wanted to show the hurt you went through. You never strayed from your meaning.

    • 4 years ago

      by Sunshine

      Thank you for reading at depth, it means a lot. Appreciated.

  • 4 years ago

    by TimeTraveller

    Very nice wording.

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