Please Dont (about cutting)

by Sabrina Renee   Jul 13, 2004

I know that you feel bad
i know that you have cried
Most of it is over him
thats why you have tried
you cut yourself
but doing this is not the answer!
so many friends have asked you to stop
to cease and desist.
but no. you wont listen.
don\'t you know that we love you?
don\'t you know that we care?
cant you see that cutting is a decease?
but you do not care
just as long as the pain, \"stops\" you will continue.
but let me tell you this:
as long as you keep cutting, as long as you are, \"fixing\" your problems,
i will always be here.

okay okay... i know that this is far from good. but Mai really close friend is cutting. and i want her to stop. she wont listen to me. please help me. what should i say to her?! this is a matter of life and death. please help!


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  • 20 years ago

    by CareBear

    Hey hun,
    I used to cut myself, i hav to admitt im tempted a lot to keep going but i promise my boyfriend i wouldn't...
    I would say i think itz stupid to cut ova a boy but i started ova a guy but the problemz just kept building up!!
    Let her talk to u, tell her ur there 4 her, she may not c that now but she will eventually..cutting is also addictive so u neva kno if she is tryin to or not, it takez time to get over it u stop a little at a time, just let her kno ur there 4 her no matter wat!!!!

  • 20 years ago

    by ashley

    ok your friend wont stop becuz she probaly feels like no 1 cares atall well at least thats pretty much y i do it but i liked the poem alot and i think u should just tlk to your friend and ask her y and then just say to her wat u feel about her cutting herself well anyways loved to poem and come read mne sometime