My bonds of freedom

by Ziad Dib Jreige   May 26, 2020

My bonds of freedom

I stood upon the shoulder of Qadisha Valley
And gazed downwards, to where the river
Serpented in serene secludedness, with waters
Murmuring and hugging dearly my heartbeats,
And the rocks of vale sang a lullaby
Of exceeding tenderness to my soul.
Day after day, bonds of longing
And of love, were born and strengthened,
As roots, between the valley and me.

Until one day, I couldn't tarry longer,
For change had called me, so I had to move
And leave behind the valley I loved.
I left those murmurs sweet, those songs tender.
Hence the bonds of longing and of love
Were weakened, then cut altogether.

Days went heedlessly fast, until one evening,
An unusual wind blew against my senses,
It exploded a rebellious soul in my sails
And filled my vessels with ambitious flames.
Day after day, bonds of longing
And of love, were born and strengthened,
As winter storms, between the wind and me.

Until one day, the wind couldn't tarry longer,
For horizon had called it, and it had to move,
And leave me behind, so I remained
Unable to catch the speedy forsaking wind.
Hence the bonds of longing, and of love
Were weakened then cut altogether.

Here I am, passing by, and standing, once again
Upon the shoulder of the sacred Qadisha Valley
Once again, the waters of Qadisha river are hugging
My heartbeats and the rocks are singing to my soul
The same old lullaby which is now even much sweeter,
And my senses yield flowers of virgin fire.

While I stand, with wandering thoughts and still steps
And out of the heavy surrounding trees and bushes,
A well known wind blew against my senses
Against my sails, again, and again against my vessels
And a rebellious soul, along with ambitious flames
Dance in the space of my presence.

Here I stand, a wiser man, upon wisdom itself,
Gazing with mortal senses, at immortality.
I close my eyes, and smile with sweet bitterness ,
If I shall die, this is where I wish to,
Unto the rhythm of blowing winds and flowing waters.
I open then my eyes, turn my back to the vale, and leave,
Free of bonds, full of passion and love.

© Ziad Dib Jreige


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  • 4 years ago

    by Mary

    This is amazing. I went and read about the Qadisha Valley... You write beautifully. I am moved by every word.

    • 4 years ago

      by Ziad Dib Jreige

      Thank you Mary. Your kind and lovely comment means a lot. Glad you like it. And glad you search for the valley : )... the valley I lived on its sode from my very first years, until I moved to Beirut, to work.