Batteries Not Included:

by Scott Cole   Jun 16, 2020

There's a thin line between right and wrong
An open space of opportunity,
Where good and evil both do battle
For the possession of our sanity.

In a World where love and hate
Are forced to coexist,
Outside that barrier of separation
That void we call the abyss.

We are not configured like batteries
So both positive and negative doesn't keep us sound,
Therefore we are all forced to choose sides
And crossover that hurdle splitting the battleground.

We all have our own freewill, a conscience
That little voice inside our head,
But it is our power, our decision
Weather or not we obey what it said.

We are all human beings by design
And perfection is our weakest link,
So therefore discretion isn't always taken
For sometimes we act before we think.

Good or bad, right or wrong
We will all fight our own battles,
Sooner or later we all must cross the line
That positivity and negativity straddles.

The choices we make are only ours to decide
But never the consequences that construe,
So if you find yourself torn between the two
Just ask yourself What Would Jesus Do.


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  • 4 years ago

    by Milly Hayward

    Some great lines here Scott. Very applicable to the World at the moment. I particularly liked the third stanza about choosing sides on what is right or what is wrong and also great lines in the 5th stanza
    "We are all human beings by design
    And perfection is our weakest link,
    So therefore discretion isn't always taken
    For sometimes we act before we think"
    How often is its people's search for perfection (or the perfection that they perceive" that causes more trouble. Certainly there is way too much acting before thinking around today. A thought provoking and enjoyable piece. Milly x

  • 4 years ago

    by Sunshine

    Very thoughtful Scott.

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