You, Again

by nouriguess   Jun 17, 2020

I want to know all of the stars,
denote them with wishes only you
would recognize. You could trace
your way back to me.

I want to go
where you went last.
Maybe breathe in
the sunrise on another planet.
Or be a sunrise,
where you stand,
a high mountain.

You could be a family of birds.
Then, I want to be the sky above you,
watching your freedom
chirp louder than the city turmoil.

You could've become moss
or debris,
or heavy rain,
or yellow leaves,
and I would choose to
be the atoms of air
surrounding you.

I want to be with you again,
when I'm given another chance
to be.


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  • 4 years ago

    by D.

    There's something so comfortingly simple and confessional about this. I imagined it as a song, or a prayer of sorts as it feels unplanned and open. Despite the longingness and poignancy, I found the imagery warming, perhaps random, or perhaps specific/a reference to the person you're writing to. Beautiful poem, Noura,

  • 4 years ago

    by Skyfire

    Some very lovely imagery here! The first stanza and in particular this line really speak to me, "You could trace your way back to me."