
by Sunshine   Jun 23, 2020

...but I was never a dreamer
until you puffed into me
a wind of soulful misty poems.

I sighed
believing that perhaps
I woke up on the wrong galaxy

I thought
maybe I was never a realist?
as you picked me up by my halo
and showed me the glory of our love
outside my pit.

A distinctive aura, you said,
as you rushed out songs
that ran down my eyes
like authentic dewdrops.

Then awakened on a random night
I find that you're out of breath,
your life was too short
and all your verses were foggy

and it's alright,
it is not heartache
that which I fail to carry.
I have no struggle with burdens
and they're never too heavy
for my mountainous shoulders.

There are some million cells
of fractures and disappointments
that hold my backbone firm and tight.
But you have allowed so many strangers
at the entrance of my deep unwelcoming cave.

Warmth, stars and delight,
they make me suffer.
They talk to me
in reflections and senses
that I cannot grasp
a language of joy
that I cannot understand.

...but I shall never peak outside the hole
and I shall listen no more
I will sleep again
and again
and all over again.


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  • 4 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    What a wonderfully worded piece this is, Rania. If I was on-site eleven years ago, this would have my vote in any weekly I was judging!

    I hope you are well.

    • 4 years ago

      by Sunshine

      Thank you Ben. You're so kind

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