
by cassie hughes   Jul 3, 2020

Tumbling wave swept notions crash through realism
to spill into humdrum normality,
sweeping reason away in a tidal surge of disorientation
over the once fast rocks of assuredness.
The mind stumbles transiently,
rights itself in a sudden wave of marvelous lucidity
adding trepidation and disconsolation to the mix.
Decaying intellect struggles to comprehend its fate,
then drowns under the setting sun.
Daylight afresh delivers clarity amid calm seas

Sundowning is a term often used in patients with Alzheimer’s disease to describe increased confusion and restlessness in the evenings.


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  • 4 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    The poem and the footnote genuinely moved me, Cassie.

    • 4 years ago

      by cassie hughes

      It is a very personal write Ben so I am glad it got to you in some way

  • 4 years ago

    by Brenda

    This disease is heartbreaking. An interesting piece on something I was not aware of. Thank you!

    • 4 years ago

      by cassie hughes

      It is indeed and very personal to me. I was not aware of this aspect of the disease until it started to affect my father.