I'm My Heart Forever I Love You

by DavidPCarroll   Jul 30, 2020

She's in arms held tight
Falling in love every night
Watching the stars shine so brit
Never letting her go,
All my dreams come true because of you
Holding you in my heart forever
Kissing you and smiling together

Kissing your lips softly and slowly
I want to kiss you forever as
My heart only beats for you
So stay with me forever
Because I love you,

I'll never let you go
I've found the perfect soulmate in you
Gazing into your warm beautiful eyes
Knowing our love will last forever

As I hold her in my warm embrace
In my arms she'll be and in no other place
To be with the you
Sweetheart is so true
Because I love so
Holding you in my arms tightly
Having falling for my charm's

And holding you in my heart we'll
Last together because
Sweetheart I'll love you forever..

© 2020 David P Carroll Poems..


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