To simply put it, magic is what I read when the two of you write together. Your voices mix so effortlessly. I feel the ache in this, paired with the gentle nature of the night. I like how the moonlight ground you, provides you with hope, and the larks help you continue to make it another hour and another hour with their song. One of my favorite lines that stands out especially: "Dawn robs me of the last glimmers of you," and this fills the poem with even more depth, because usually I see dawn as a reminder we are alive, that one can make it through the loneliness of the night, yet here, it's that reminder of reality, of surviving without this person. Without their memory and ability to dream with them. This whole poem gives me a sad dreamy feel, the spirit of this loved one visiting you when you are alone, in the shadow and protection of the night, yet cannot follow you out into the light. |