Troubled past

by Ashley Graver   Aug 12, 2020

As my feet hit the ground,
it’s hard to tell how long I’ve been running.
But, no matter how hard my feet
hit the ground,
I can never seem to outrun my problems.
My past seems to wrap its arms
ever so tightly around me
and whisper slowly in my ear
that I’ll never get away.
The faster I run the more the smoke
Clouds my vision and causes me to choke.

My only 2 choices are to fight or give in.
Some days my option seems limited to one,
to give in and let go.
How I wish I could outrun
My problems for good.


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  • 3 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    For years, I've been struggling to enter poetry section of this site as everything reminds me of Cindy. Today, I somehow did & look where I of Cindy's fav person 'after me'...lolol
    I am so glad to see you expressing here & your post is heartfelt.
    DM me any day anytime you feel like.
    Take care dear / stay safe.

  • 4 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    I related to this so much - the way you take a simple image of running and have it stand for that desire to leave the past behind, don't we all wish that at some point? If only it could be that easy or attainable. Some days, I wish to cut all ties to everything, but I know there has to be some other way. Not to forget but to be able to cope with the problems as they come. Because sometimes, it feels like the speed at which they can hit is far greater than we can handle or even process them.

    That reflection on your two choices perfectly illustrates that feeling of being stuck in this cycle, these memories that follow us, and how it seems we'll never get ahead and past them. That race is exhausting and can defeat our hope. And just wanting to overcome it all is what we become desperate for.

    Not a long piece, but everything is expressed so well! Only thing: in the sixth line, "it's" should have no apostrophe.

    Welcome to PnQ, and please writing and posting.

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