...randomly picked...

by Meena Krish   Aug 25, 2020

Of all the ones you could have had
you chose me randomly out of a hat,
took me away from a small pack
who lived in crumbles of dust,

I sat with you under the moon
felt your fingers brush through my moods,
shared the same bed, laid on your chest
relished in the thoughts of been back,

You replaced my title with a smile
nursed broken pages healed my past,
little did I know that once you're done
you'll return me from where I had


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  • 4 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    It just shows you how a subconscious mind can determine current thought. As I read this I wanted the subject for your muse to be a kitten. I already have 3 cats, so surely I have plenty? But like books, each one is unique, they smell different, they feel different in the hand and in the mind too. Some books, like cats create indelible memories that linger long after they are gone.

    I hope you write again soon, Meena.

  • 4 years ago

    by William Mae

    I love this write, we can pair our love up with many different things and grow so attached, humans can love many things and people at the same time, what is discarded or abandoned by others we cane attach ourselves to it and create a bond, just a beautiful write

  • 4 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    "relished in the thoughts of been back,"
    ^ should this be "being back"?

    Honestly, until the last stanza, I was for sure thinking this was about a person who chose to spend time with you, and over that time, grew to love and care for you. I really liked the personification of this book, a library book from what I could tell, and the kind of intimacy and emotional connection a reader and their book can have. It's cathartic, and what made this even more endearing was the perspective you wrote from. And I, too, have chosen something randomly, without really a second thought, only to be pleasantly surprised and moved by the way we can feel "nurtured" by a book, even one forgotten or left in dust!

    Lovely write, Meena :)

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