A Wreath of Dead Roses...

by Hellon   Aug 25, 2020

...lie beneath a headstone
with the words
"Maisie Ann Palmer,
Beloved mother of..........."


I placed an iris on her grave today
it was her favourite flower she told me
many times.

Did you know that?

Her headstone says she was a beloved mother
so...where have you been these past years
when she was watching Emmerdale over and over

Where are you now.?

There are no fresh flowers
is Maisie forgotten in death
as she was in life?

She had a little box of treasures,

A faded photo of her family,
a purple ribbon tying a braid of hair,
a tiny knitted jacket
and, a child's first shoe

did you know that?

They are now in storage
awaiting collection

Do you know that?

Did you really know Maisie,
your so called beloved mother?

do you remember
the forgotten one?

@Hellon 25th August 2020


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Latest Comments

  • 4 years ago

    by Rab

    Very weel written Agg.......should make us awe think an reflect.

  • 4 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Oh, Hellon... those first few lines, remembering her, and having read your other piece, is heart-wrenching. What's beautiful is that YOU are a witness here, you witnessed her love and stories and knew the little things about her. I love that you shared about her box of treasures. Yet the bitterness in that they are just waiting to be collected now, lonely. This whole piece made me think of regret and the heaviness of "when it's too late". At least, in life and near her end, she had one to be with her and understand, and though it should be family too, I can only imagine how much this meant to her. Having companionship and someone to know her favorite flower. How much that can mean.

  • 4 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    A heart wrenching write. A mother dotes over her child goes through great lengths, yet the child never turns around to see that mother even in her last moments...

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