you spill from the seams

by prasanna   Nov 11, 2020

a little past midnight, and i'm spilling again -
in a drunken stupor, and i'm spilling all the light
i swallowed when i tried to bite your sun.
an inferno swells in my rib-cage,
inching towards the liver -
the heat of my yearning knows no limits.
i'm limited by language, i open my mouth
and crawl towards the light just on the horizon,
in search of the perfect string of words that would
taste like home on y/our tongue. the sky brightens
under a supernovae, and i'm left in an untethered
free-fall - i've come to know the ground too
intimately, too many times. anoint me with red earth,
if you must bury me, but not before letting the winds
excavate the last echoes in my hollowed rib-cage;
let me sing of love with my last breath,
let me sing of you.


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  • 4 years ago

    by Sunshine

    <3 .........................

  • 4 years ago

    by nouriguess

    You know these kinda poems you need to read a few times over and over again just to absorb the whole inspiration and depth they offer and feel the sheer meaningfulness they have? Yeah well, this is one of 'em.

  • 4 years ago

    by Skyfire

    If I could love this ten times over I would. This is a really beautiful one hiraeth. I felt the absolute yearning as I read.

  • 4 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    There are few words, few words to even portray how I'm feeling after reading this! The brilliance of these lines, the crescendo:

    "and i'm spilling all the light
    i swallowed when i tried to bite your sun.
    an inferno swells in my rib-cage,
    inching towards the liver"

    then the way you are limited by language, like there is nothing to possibly due it justice, almost like it would have to be the language of gods to truly understand or explain this.

    "let me sing of you" just encompasses how deep this love is. How full you are with it, that it is love itself, not simply a single manifestation, but love extended.

    Such a dreamy, unapologetically romantic piece!

  • 4 years ago

    by Star

    Who said you can’t write?????? This is amazinggggg :)

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