Comments : unbridled yearning.

  • 4 years ago

    by Skyfire

    "you're parallel to my yearning, within grasp but destined
    to never intersect but mathematics do not govern the heart,
    and neither does reason."

    My favorite lines. 'Parallel to my yearning' hits so hard for me; I know the feeling. This whole poem is such an interesting exploration that you sum up perfectly near the end with "maybe it's peace masquerading as love." Can you have peace without love, or love without peace? I don't know.

  • 4 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    A wonderful piece of writing. How does one capture the essence of love/ being in love? Do we search within an, eye/soul, a heartbeat/s, a name? Yearning for that perfect capture is evident in this piece.

    Well done.