Dissociative Shadows

by Star   Dec 15, 2020

I thought I could get over you...

So many years passed
since I first noticed you,
I was already
a weird looking vase;
you broke me.

You made me see the world
from shattered angles.

Faces were erased.
Leaves had no veins.
The sky was dark
and I thought it was
only the city life.

Years passed....

The night became
our home,

and I managed to
hold your rough hand.

For a little while
we became one,

but you always
find your way out
into the fragments,

as the shadow
in my closet.


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Latest Comments

  • 4 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Wow, another great read, I see that a lot of people have commented on the vase line, but for me the line about leaves having no veins was a great imagery that I haven’t thought of before!

    This piece really made me think of all of our insecurities and shadows of ourselves, and how we try to keep parts of our past hidden or versions of us hidden but every so often we can stumble and realise how fragile a part of us can be, and how another part of ourselves can be that influence to break us.

    It reminds me of the saying that we are our own worst enemies ...

    Great piece

    • 4 years ago

      by Star

      The veinless leaves has a specific meaning to me, and it really could be tied to an insecurity. Love that you caught on. Thanks !!!!

  • 4 years ago

    by Skyfire

    Yes, such a unique perspective using a vase! "You made me see the world from shattered angles" - this really spoke to how much of an impact someone can have on our view of the world, for better or unfortunate worse.

    • 4 years ago

      by Star

      Thank you ^_^

  • 4 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    I like Michael's suggestion too and, like him, really enjoyed the vase metaphore. Very imaginitaive.

    • 4 years ago

      by Star

      Thank you so much ^_^

  • 4 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    I really liked the beginning, especially your vase metaphor. I was hoping for an ending to tie into the introduction.


    but you always
    manage to clamber out,
    over the fragments

    as the shadow
    in my closet.

    Anyway, just a thought. I do love your work, so it's just a suggestion..

    • 4 years ago

      by Star

      I truly love the suggestion, I’ll try to edit it more in my own words. Thank you so much Mr. Darcy :)

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