
by Shah   Dec 16, 2020

Remember that time when you were broken
Misused, mistreated, abused and left heartbroken

Nobody to gather pieces of your heart
Nobody to heal, nobody for a new start

All those who claimed to love you so deep
Nobody showed up, all stayed asleep

I took you in my arms, i gave you my heart
Fed you with my soul, saw you as my part

Sending love and peace from wherever i was
Broken myself kept you up, that's what it was

In return you cut me out, left me in the cold
Let me down, turned your back being so bold

Now am sitting alone, broken and left alone
Crying lonely, writing poems on my phone

Nobody understands me, they think I'm crazy
But what do they know? Love ain't that easy

Shouldn't complain as it won't make it better
But let me remind, let me write you a letter

Written with the warm hand you used to hold
With my blood written, cried upon then fold

You will smell the fragrance of my love
When you read it, you will remember truelove


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