To the time when we were immensely growing, and immensely learning.
To where beauty still, undisturbed in our thoughts, and purity unwavering.
How oft, we seek peace there , and then we travel back to the present, with an inner serenity.
Sonnet 50
Oh what mirth, what serenity and peace
When I backwardly cast a gazing look,
At the sea where all turbulent thoughts cease
And memories murmur as a calm brook.
Oh what calmness my disturbed soul does feel,
When upon the blue of the past I roam
And all my wounds seem to blossom and heal
When my sight rejoices through the white foam.
And all of a sudden, I travel back
To the present beat, to the present breath
To witness my mind dressed up in full black
At the funeral of my bright past death.
A smile when no other eyes are to see,
Is an insight grasped out of that blue sea.