The Morning After

by nouriguess   Dec 18, 2020

From the waist down,
you're bruised with judgement.

Your voice is scorned, disparaged.
Your lips are craved, coveted.
Your thighs are dripping shame,

the blood is never wiped.

The impenitence in his eyes
is as loud as
the no you screamed,

nobody would hear.

Nobody would say
it wasn’t escapable,
it wasn’t your body that
pinned itself on the asphalt,
ribs down,
legs wide open,
neck struggling to move from
one side to another,
in a failed attempt
to swallow the pain.

It wasn’t your crop top,
it wasn’t your sleeveless blouse,
it wasn’t your lace skirt,
it wasn’t your pink princess dress,
it wasn’t your school uniform,

nobody would say that.

You go,
fix the mascara
your tears

the damage is only
from the waist down,

nobody would notice.


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Latest Comments

  • 4 years ago

    by Oceanloveisland

    It’s really difficult to know how to comment on such a sensitive subject. Very real and profoundly put. One is so immediately drawn into the experience through your words. Highly Emotional piece.

  • 4 years ago

    by Star

    This truly was a difficult read for me as well, this write should be recognized!!

  • 4 years ago

    by Skyfire

    So so raw.

  • 4 years ago

    by Kat

    This was so terribly hard to read.. There is so much we are told as little girls, we are often warned of the evils of the world and told to tell people when something happens BUT how often do we truly report things that happen like this? The rare times it is reported it is always turned around about how we asked for it or "What did we do to deserve it?"

    Despite the nature of the poem, it truly is a really good write and makes you really think about females of all ages go through..

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